Tuesday, 25 May 2021


A lot of events go on in relationships. Sometimes you experience a lot of heart breaks and you wonder if it is worth it at all. It may not be easy and I know that many times it isn't but life must continue and you cannot afford to let the experiences of the past stop you from enjoying the goodies that are available in your future.

Many times, we are so blinded by the 'bad', 'terrible', 'demeaning' things that have occured in our lives especially regarding relationships but guess what? This is what the devil wants. He wants you to feel terrible and useless so that you will settle for less or hate yourself and get depressed over the situations that have occured. He knows that God has great and better plans for your life but he wants to distract you from focusing on or enjoying those plans.

Please as tempting as it might be to focus on the bad experiences and to lose hope, try hard to stay strong and stay hopeful. There is light at the end of the tunnel and you can only see and experience that light if you keep moving. If you give up along the way, you end up missing out on the great and mighty things that God has in store for you.

Is it easy? No! You might say, "You don't understand my pain! You don't understand my struggle! You don't understand the heartbreakssssssss and heartaches that I have had to deal with..." Truth is that I may not understand what you have been through or what you are going through but I have also had to deal with pain in my life. I've had to make a decision on whether to focus on the pains and bad experiences or to trust God and be filled with hope. The latter was what I did and will do when any painful event occurs again and so far, it has worked out just fine.

Painful experiences are not easy or convenient. Cry if you need to but don't stay low, forge ahead. Don't hurt yourself but encourage yourself knowing that God has your back.  Trust me, it will be worth it at the end of the day.

Please do not dwell on the pain! Deal with the pain and move on! Put the devil to shame by trusting God. Also know that no matter how bad things have been, they'll work out for your good at last.

You need to deal with the pain and move on! You need to be willing to choose happiness over any form of sorrow.  We'll talk about how to deal with pain soon by God's grace. Till then, stay strong, stay safe, stay joyful. God bless you.



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