So this has been on my mind lately regarding JOY in relationships. Every relationship is filled with the good, bad, ugly, ups and downs, interesting times and not too interesting times but the beauty of it all is to never let anything take away the joy and love within.
JOY according to the Webster dictionary is defined as the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires.  It is also defined as the expression or exhibition of such emotion.
What defines your JOY? What brings you JOY? Is your JOY attached to material things or your partner?? Does what you regard as JOY depend on immediate feelings or emotions? Do you have a defined goal and purpose with your partner regarding your relationship? You need to understand that JOY differs from happiness and people do mix this up. Happiness is mostly dependent on and influenced by external events occurring now while JOY is an inbuilt feeling not easily influenced by external factors and are mostly good feelings irrespective of current outcomes.
In maintaining JOY in your relationship, the following principles are to be observed:
  • Always have and maintain a right perspective to all situations irrespective of the factors around you. What you focus and feed rightly, you give strength to.

  • Contentment is regarded as a state of happiness and satisfaction. No one is perfect, be contented with what you have especially with your partner but that does not mean one should not strive to improve.

  • Life is filled with challenges, so expect battles and as the “boy scout” motto says – BE PREPARED… also stay strong.

  • Always remember that discipline improves and understand the reason for the discipline, that’s the only way it can be effective.

  • I love this principle of you having a core as this showcases your confidence and a chance to prove your worth.

  • In the process of having a core, ensure you have a long term vision with your partner as this will give you direction.

  • Always remember to love life and live it to the fullest wisely. Take a break from the norm, give yourselves a treat, enjoy the moment.

  • “A fool’s way is right in his own eyes but whosoever listens to counsel is wise”, cultivate an attentive listening habit and never cease to seek counsel as no man is an island of knowledge.

  • Always pursue inner peace with yourself as this will open your mind to creativity alongside a life without worry.

  • Oh yes, LOVE YOURSELF 1st because you cannot give what you don’t have. When you are able to do this, you will be able to love your partner and others easily.

  • Never go weary of being good as this conquers evils. You cannot conquer evil with evil.

  • Discover friendship and first of all be friends with your partner because true friendship survives the test of time and hardship.

  • Learn to easily forgive as love prospers when a fault is forgiven. Never dwell or linger on an issue for too long as this widens the gap between the two of you.

  • A grateful heart will always be a joyful heart. Be grateful for all things as this opens many doors to greater things

  • Allow yourself to cry it out when you have a bad day but never dwell on it for too long. Pick yourself up and refocus. You are human and it’s okay to have a meltdown.
Always remember that JOY takes time, it is like you sowing a seed and there will always be a harvest time but the ground (your heart) in which you plant the seed will determine the number of fruits you will reap. Therefore, guard your heart with all diligence because out of it flows the issues of life.
Thanks for stopping by, we hope you enjoyed this write-up. Have a blessed and fruitful week.

