Tuesday, 18 May 2021



A guy once had a discussion with his friend. "I love my wife but she rarely buys me anything. I love to receive gifts from her because it would make me feel loved."

His friend responded "Whao! that's a unique one. You're the first guy I'll hear say this and it is a good thing because we are all different. I think many ladies assume that guys don't deserve gifts or that men don't care about gifts and this could be as a result of what society says. Society has made it seem like only women can or should receive gifts and they are wrong.  However you will need to communicate this to her as often as you can."

Welcome to the last part of the series on FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES. I cannot thank you enough for staying with us on this. God bless you real good.

How important are gifts to you? Would you rather receive a gift than have your spouse present with you? Is receipt of gift a big deal for you? If yes, then it might mean that your primary love language is GIFTS.

Gift giving is one of the easiest love languages to learn and Gary Chapman says that "if your spouse's primary love language is receiving gifts, you can become a proficient gift giver".  If your spouse's primary love language is receiving gifts then he or she would have made mention of certain things that they would love to have or receive. All you need to do is  make a list of those things that your spouse has mentioned (or will mention) and gradually based on the size of your pocket, get those things for him/her. You can also ask close friends and family members who know your spouse well to advice on what gifts s/he may appreciate.

You can gift money, buy certain things for him or her or gift yourself. For some, the gift of self is highly important and so you will need to make your presence available for your spouse if this is what he/she wants.

Suggestions from the Author

If your spouse's primary love language is receiving gifts here are some suggestions:

  • Get your spouse something special, you can drop a box of chocolates or fruits before stepping out or place a delivery to him or her at work or home.
  • Let nature be your guide.
  • You can make a handmade gift for your spouse, it doesn't have to be something extra ordinary or expensive. 
  • You can decide to give your spouse a gift a day for a week or for a month. And your spouse wouldn't expect it to be forever but it will be good for memory sake.
  • Keep a GIFT IDEA BOOK - whenever your spouse mentions something that they would love to have, just write it down. It doesn't matter that you do not have the funds.  
  • You can ask for help from a friend if you're clueless as to what kind of gifts to get for your spouse. Not everyone is creative with gift ideas so don't feel bad. 
  • Offer the gift of presence. This would definitely go a long way.
  • Give your spouse a book in an area that you know he or she is greatly interested in and offer to discuss it with him or her. 
  • Give a lasting tribute - do something for the church, charity group or community in your spouse's name. 
  • Give a living gift - something that he or she would remember for life.

Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope the series on FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES has been insightful for you as it has been  for me. We hope to hear and see improvements in your love life. God bless and keep you.  



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