Tuesday, 1 December 2020


Can I just take this moment to say thank you for supporting this vision! Thanks for coming here every Tuesday to read our blog. Some of you even go as far as sharing it with your friends and we do not take this for granted. Thank you! Thank you! One thousand tongues would not be enough to express our gratitude to you. God bless you real good. You are important, in fact VERY important to me and that's why I have to do this.

Happy new month my people. Isn't God amazing? When were we wishing each other a happy new year and now we are at the tail end of the month. Whao! God is truly amazing and we thank Him for bringing us this far. 

I really don't know how this year has been for you. I don't know the struggles that you've had, neither do I have an idea of the painful events that might have occurred in your life. Personally, this year has been a great one for me. A lot has happened (some good, some not too good) but regardless of what may have happened, I am extremely grateful to God for keeping me and standing by me. I am also very grateful to family and friends who have stood by me and have been a strong support system.

I've lost close relations and I know that some of you reading this might have gone through the same. However, I'm here to encourage you - there are still four weeks or more till the end of the year and this means that miracles, joy, favour, abundance can still occur before the year finally ends.

You may have lost out on some things or people but you did not lose out on God (I hope) and He is going to surprise you greatly. For some people, depression seemed inevitable but they came out of it by God's grace and through friends and family.

I'll like to advice that we spend the remaining days we have left, thanking and appreciating God and the people that have stood by us. Many people could have given up or gotten depressed if they had no one to cheer them up or encourage them to stay strong. No one should take this for granted. This is why I started this post by thanking you because you've been a huge part of my year and I do not take it for granted.

I hope you are able to do this. Thanks a lot for stopping by and I'll see you next week by God's grace. 



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