Someone once said that words are very powerful and that we should be careful of the words we say. Another also said that you can sow powerfully into your future by the words you speak.
I remember saying certain words and things I wanted to see in my spouse, children and career when I was 18 or so. I knew words were powerful but I didn't know how powerful until I got married and started seeing the things I said manifest/come to pass. This made me more deliberate about speaking the right/positive/biblical words over every area of my life and I have seen positive results.
I know that we might have had terrible experiences and gotten discouraged over many things especially good relationships and marriages but this should not discourage us from speaking the right words and saying the things that we want to see in our relationships or marriages. Words are powerful and it's best to invest in positive and right words. Let's speak rightly as often as we can.
Knowing this should encourage us to speak words over our spouses and unborn children. You can determine how your spouse, children, home, career would be by the words you speak today. Speak right words and you'll reap great fruits! Forget about what may have happened in the past, those things are not sufficient to stop you from speaking rightly or to make you speak negatively.
Thank you so much for stopping by. We hope to see you soon.
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