Tuesday 15 February 2022


The story of Jerry and Jessica is one that many people face in our world today. Although Jerry had stated that Vals day meant nothing to him, he was now willing to forget about himself and focus on his partner, Jessica who Vals day means a lot to.

There are a lot of ideologies in relation to Vals day. While some people think it's just a normal day, some are of the opinion that it is a day that their partner should show them love in a special way. I said special way because some people would say "are they not supposed to show love everyday...". 

Love should be shown everyday but I do not think that it is a bad idea that people have set aside a day to be intentional about it. However, I would say please don't put yourself or anyone under any pressure. It's a good thing but don't force it on anyone or make anyone feel bad about it.

Jerry later looked deeply into Jessica's point and realised that knowing what Jessica loves and doing it is best. Even though he doesn't  believe in it, his babe does and that should matter to him. This year, he got her a wonderful gift and she more than loved it.

Many times, as Lovers we focus on what we want and how we like to celebrate certain events and we totally forgot or ignore how our partners like to celebrate events. This in itself causes a lot of issues in relationships and marriages. 

This is a call to us - show love everyday and if you love Feb 14 or your partner does, show love and allow him/her enjoy it.



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