Tuesday, 5 July 2022


If you put in the work, long distance relationships can work! 

I had a discussion with someone about this and she said "I don't care whether there are good stories about long distance relationships but in my opinion, they don't work". Wondering why she said this? She has tried being in long distance relationships that didn't work due to no fault of hers (well according to her). In fact, she said she gave her all to these relationships but her partners always had one story or the other to defend them breaking up. Based on her experience, long distance relationship does not work.

While many people have similar experiences, there are other successful stories of long distance relationships and I think people just need to figure out what works for them. A man once shared "I met my wife via a social media platform. We were in different countries when we met but somehow we made it work and we are married now." This is one of the successful stories when it comes to long distance relationships and there are many more.

The truth be told, long distance relationships or marriages require a lot more work than marriages/relationships where the partners are together requires. If you're currently in one  or considering getting into one, you must be willing to put in the work (extra work) that is required to make it work.

You may ask "Why does it require more work?" Well long distance relationship requires more work because:

1. Communication: You have to do a lot of explaining and talking when it comes to communication. There's a different level of communication when you're with someone physically compared to when you're away from them physically. Thank God for social media, things have been made easy but conversations still get misinterpreted when said over the phone, sent through a voice note or a chat etc. 

2. Time difference: There are some long distance relationships that are not affected by time difference and this is because they are either in the same country (country where the times are synchronized) or they are in different countries with similar time zones. Majority of the long distance relationships I know of involve being in different countries with different time zones and mehn this is a lot of work. While one is just going to sleep, one other person is about to go to work vice versa. 

There are other reasons why long distance relationships require a lot of work but we will stop here for now. Our intention is not to discourage you from long distance relationships but to give some tips that may help in your long distance relationship or marriage and we really hope that you find them useful in one way or the other. 

Stay tuned and we shall discuss these tips next week by God's grace. Thanks for stopping by, God bless you real good.



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