Tuesday, 12 April 2022


The idea of getting married is fantastic but more awesome is getting married to the right person for you. The ball is in your court and the choice is for you to make so you'll need to exercise some care and wisdom in making this choice.

I read an article on making the right choice of a life partner and the effect of making a wrong choice and I thought to share it with my lovely people here. I hope you enjoy this read and learn one or two major things from it below:

Choose wisely, not only for you but also for your child.

Later in marriage when you hit parenthood, you'll realize what you really wish for in your spouse is not big money or a 'six-pack'. A pretty face and a good bank account are nice to have but at the end of the day, there's so much more you should be looking for.

At 3am when your child is crying, and your eyes are heavy and your body is weak from  postpartum, it will not be how he looks or what he owns that will matter. It'll be the compassion in his heart and the love for you in his soul that pushes him out of the bed to attend to the child immediately and say to you: "Go back to sleep, love. I've got this."

If I could tell the younger people what to consider in a companion, I would say marry the man who will be the best father for your children and the woman who would be the best mother for your children. The man/woman who will put you and your little family first, above all else. The man/woman who is as responsible as you are in raising a family because you both are in it together. In short, marry the person who will set a standard for a spouse in your children.

Because in all of these, whenever you watch your partner with your child, you'll find yourself falling in love all over again.

Choose wisely, not only for you but also for your child(ren).


I hope you enjoyed this read. Thank you so much for stopping by. God bless you real good. Have an amazing week.



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