Tuesday, 26 April 2022



A friend of mine told me about something his girlfriend did and this particular act scared the life out of him and everyone around her. No one could talk to her and she wasn't willing to listen to anyone who tried. It got so bad that she went silent on everyone that she considered important. Yes, it was that serious!

She came around much later and at a time that he had decided to move on with his life. She pleaded with him and he forgave her. They continued with the relationship and got married. Before they got married, she repeated the same action twice but always came back with a concrete reason on why she had to 'disappear'. This usually happened after an argument and now that they are married, it hasn't stopped.

We hear everytime that there is no perfect person anywhere. While this is VERY true we need to be careful not to use this as an excuse to get into a relationship or get married to just anybody OR to go ahead with a marriage when we know there are some backend issues that we can't live with.

Yes, your friends and family members would put pressure on you but remember that they won't be there in the marriage. You will be able to talk to them and share your pains but they would never fully understand what you're going through. So this shouldn't be a reason to get married to someone you're not comfortable with for good reasons.

When you see the signs (which you will see), don't ignore. You know the things you are uncomfortable with, you know the characters that turn you off. He does something, she says something or does something that doesn't sit well with you... 

Sit, think and check to be sure that it's just a one-off or a one-time thing. Be careful to only go on with the things you know you can cope with or you're comfortable with. The signs you see today will remain if they are not deliberately worked on so be sure that you can cope with such character, habit or behavior even in marriage.

Thank you so much for stopping by. God bless you and open your eyes to see those signs that are important. May God also give you wisdom so you choose your life partner wisely. Amen.



Tuesday, 19 April 2022


Domestic abuse has been talked about a lot. Although this is not the only kind of abuse that exists, it is one of the most rampant. Everyone heard about the story of one of the popular gospel musicians and many felt really sad that she went through all of that.

Domestic abuse is not an easy subject and I wouldn't consider myself an expert or authority in this area. However, I'll share a few things that I believe would or could help someone.

Many times the fear that victims of domestic abuse/violence face is the common: WWPS (What will people say?). They forget that their life is so precious and even more precious than comparing their lives to others or being bothered about what friends, neighbors, family members will think of them. Please move past what people will say or think of you and first of all save yourself and your children (if you have any).

If you by chance happen to be one of those people undergoing or have undergone domestic abuse please I beg of you don't blame yourself. It has nothing to do with you. This is the lie of the devil. Save yourself from the man/woman who lacks control over their emotions or physical abilities. Please do not subject yourself to such unnecessary pain cos it's not worth it. Yes there might be areas you need to work on because as we said earlier, no one is perfect but this is not a licence for anyone to beat or physically abuse you in anyway.

If you're in a relationship and you can see traits in your partner, please I beg you in the name of God, it is not by force to be with that person. Run for your life! You can pray for God to touch and change the person's heart but you can do that from afar. The fact that the person never used to be like that is not a reason to stay. Run far away until there is a 💯 percent assurance that the person has repented and is a changed person (I. e. no longer exhibits such traits).

Please you do not deserve to be maltreated or killed all in the name of love and no this is not allowed! Save yourself and not even in the name of your children should you choose to remain in an abusive relationship/marriage. 

The argument by many is that God hates divorce. Oh yes he does but God is not against separation so you can separate yourself from that spouse who may end up killing you if you don't take action. I'm really not sure of how best to express this but please your life is very important! And nothing is worth dying for. So please save yourself and let God help you.

Thanks for stopping by. God bless you real good. Have a blessed week and hope you enjoyed your holiday 😘.



Tuesday, 12 April 2022


The idea of getting married is fantastic but more awesome is getting married to the right person for you. The ball is in your court and the choice is for you to make so you'll need to exercise some care and wisdom in making this choice.

I read an article on making the right choice of a life partner and the effect of making a wrong choice and I thought to share it with my lovely people here. I hope you enjoy this read and learn one or two major things from it below:

Choose wisely, not only for you but also for your child.

Later in marriage when you hit parenthood, you'll realize what you really wish for in your spouse is not big money or a 'six-pack'. A pretty face and a good bank account are nice to have but at the end of the day, there's so much more you should be looking for.

At 3am when your child is crying, and your eyes are heavy and your body is weak from  postpartum, it will not be how he looks or what he owns that will matter. It'll be the compassion in his heart and the love for you in his soul that pushes him out of the bed to attend to the child immediately and say to you: "Go back to sleep, love. I've got this."

If I could tell the younger people what to consider in a companion, I would say marry the man who will be the best father for your children and the woman who would be the best mother for your children. The man/woman who will put you and your little family first, above all else. The man/woman who is as responsible as you are in raising a family because you both are in it together. In short, marry the person who will set a standard for a spouse in your children.

Because in all of these, whenever you watch your partner with your child, you'll find yourself falling in love all over again.

Choose wisely, not only for you but also for your child(ren).


I hope you enjoyed this read. Thank you so much for stopping by. God bless you real good. Have an amazing week.



Tuesday, 5 April 2022


This question is one that is asked by so many people. While some are of the opinion that one should take a long time after a breakup before getting into another relationship because of how delicate the heart is, some others think that a person doesn't have to wait for too long because they can heal quickly.

What do you think? Please you can drop your comments in the comment box below.

People breakup their relationships or go through a breakup due to different explainable/unexplainable reasons known to them. Some of these reasons are: cheating, lack of proper communication; incompatibility etc. I personally believe that there are certain issues that occur in a relationship that shouldn't necessarily lead to a breakup but then people have to make these choices themselves.

After going through a breakup based on one or more of the reasons listed above, some people get into a very defensive mode where they guard their hearts from any other form of hurt. It is very okay to guard your heart but you need to determine what you are guarding it against and how long this should be for. Some people even decide they will never get into another relationship because of how terrible they felt after a breakup. While this is totally understandable, I do not think it is sufficient to make you lose out on the amazing guys or ladies that are out there. But how will you know this if you keep hiding and shying away from moving on? 

Back to the question...Healing process for people differs and you'll need to ensure that you have healed from the hurt (i.e. you've come to terms with and accepted the break-up) before getting into a relationship. This calls for you to do all that you can to heal very fast because no one (no matter how cute, sweet and loving) is worth crying over for months, years...

In fact, my Pastor once said that there's nothing wrong in being served breakfast today and getting into another relationship in 3 days time. I mean you have to heal so that you're not carrying the baggage and hurt from the last relationship into the new one. But he said this to say that you shouldn't mourn for too long after a breakup. 

So please, you do not need to mourn for too long as long as you have healed. Go out with friends and engage in fun activities that'll help you heal.

I really hope this helps someone. You need to heal and you need to heal fast. You also need to be willing to meet other people cos you just never know. 

Thank you so much for stopping by. Happy new month my wonderful people.

