Tuesday, 1 October 2019


Gratitude! Gratitude! Gratitude!

I've been thinking since the beginning of the week about many people who have made life worth living. People who have gone out of their way to ensure that I am happy and fine. People who genuinely care about everything that concerns me. Sometimes I wonder why I get so much care and love and many times I do not think that I deserve it. However, it is something I am grateful for. I do not think that I appreciate people as much as I should and I know there are also some people like me.

Having a support structure in this life is very key and so it is necessary to appreciate those who make sure that we are supported. I am sure you have such people in your life and I really want to encourage you to think about these people and express gratitude to them. It could be your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, parents, siblings, colleagues, neighbours, friends, classmates etc.

No matter how bad a person is in life, it is impossible not to have at least one friend or at least one person that has shown you love and care. Many times we take for granted the sacrifices that our friends and family members make for us. We forget to take out time to appreciate the people who go all out to ensure that we are fine. This should not be the case. I would advice and encourage us to express gratitude to everyone who has been there for us. This action would require that we think deeply but I think it is worth the stress if it is in anyway stressful. 

Gratitude is important to God but it is also important to express gratitude to everyone who has been there for us in one way or the other. Please take out time to think and appreciate these people who have been there for you. God bless us as we say "thank you".

Thank you so much for stopping by and we look forward to seeing you next week. 



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