Tuesday, 26 February 2019


Last week, I introduced us to a write-up that was shared with me and I shared 3 out of the 6 mates that the author analysed. This week, I would continue with the remaining mates and I would like to state again that although the write-up is from an unknown author, a few words have been added by my humble self.

MARRY YOUR SPENDING MATE: It is adviceable not to get married to someone that is stingy because there are so many expenses to cater for in marriage. A stingy guy in courtship would not suddenly become a generous husband in marriage. Also please do not get married to a lady that has the financial philosophy of 'My husband's money is our money, but my money is my money'. Get married to someone that believes in dignity of labour and is ready to work. Do not get married to a lazy fellow who just wants to be a consumer and not a contributor. Get married to someone who is ready to spend and be spent on (this goes both ways). This definitely would help in the growth and success of the family. 
Also it is important to get married to someone that has the same or similar financial philosophy as you do. For example, if you believe in saving or investing a certain amount of money, you should be diligent enough to discover whether or not your partner to be has the same philosophy. Another example is - if you believe in giving and your spouse to be does not, this might become an issue unless you are able to sort it out in some way. If he or she is willing to learn, you will discover after engaging him or her in certain discussions. As it is often said, money is one of the major issues in marriage and you need to be on the same or similar page with your spouse when it comes to issues surrounding finances as well as other important things.

MARRY YOUR SEX MATE: Please get married to someone you have sexual feelings for (i.e. you are attracted to). Sexual feeling is not a sin but the act before marriage is a sin. It is an instinct God put in every person. Sex plays a major role in the success of any marriage. Do not get married to any man/woman that you do not have emotional feelings for. Such feeling or attraction might take time to grow for some people but make sure it is in existence before you commit to getting married to him/her. A spiritual being is also a sexual being. No matter how spiritual you both may be in your marriage, you won't be praying for 24 hours in a day. You won't be reading the Bible or worshipping God 24/7. You will have sex! You will engage in romance! You will flirt with each other! You will make babies. So, get married to someone you can connect with sexually. It will help you enjoy your marriage so much! Feeling is different from the act!!! Do not misinterpret this please. Someone once asked: "does your body move when you see Miss B?" Your body should move, it shows attraction but you shouldn't move your body to do anything extra if you get what I mean.

MARRY YOUR SOCIAL MATE: Please do not get married to someone that you would not be proud to go out with. Don't get married to a person that you will be shy to introduce to  your parents, family members or friends. Get married to someone that you are comfortable to hang out with. Get married to the man or woman that you are socially compatible with. There's a story of a man who got married to a woman that he could not take with him to certain functions. He was a top person in his profession but the fear that his wife might be called upon to give an impromptu speech or engage in certain conversations that he knew she could not engage in made him ashamed to take her out. You might ask why he got married to her but that's for him to answer.

You might be wondering - "Is it possible to find all the 'mates' in one person?" The answer is YES! You don't need to get married to  6 guys/ladies to have all these mates. One person can be all that for you. If you also work on yourself and build your life, you can be all that for the guy/lady that will get married to you.
The promise of God for you is this : 'Seek and read from the book of the LORD: Not one of these shall be missing; none shall be without her mate. For the mouth of the LORD has commanded, and his Spirit has gathered them.' (Isaiah 34:16).
Say it loud and clear ' I shall not lack a mate!

Please let me state here that these different mates are not independent of each other and they are also not exhaustive. What this means is that you cannot say that because you are attracted to Mr. A, you have to get married to him. Attraction is just one of the many things to put into consideration and attraction alone is insufficient. Also you cannot say that because Miss B is a Christian and of the same spiritual background as you, then that's all that matters. No sir! No ma! (This is one topic that we would discuss soon)
The most important check you need is the check with God and then these mates (together) can be checked and other things that are important to you.

Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope you have been impacted by this write-up. We hope to see you next week. 




  1. Replies
    1. Jide Bello. So great to have you here. Thank you so much for stopping by.
