Some people look at me and say "You are such a blessed child" and some others say "You are too full of life and joy, you must have had it all rosy for you". While these different statements are true, I laugh really hard at the last part. Had it all rosy? No way!!! I wish this was true but fortunately, it is not. I say 'fortunately' because although sometimes I wish somethings were better, I have no regrets being born the way I was born and having to grow up the way I did.
I tell people that the only explanation for who I am today, is God. The only reason I do not look like what I have been through is God. This is not a joke, God is the only reason that I am what I am. I am young but God has shown Himself so strong even in my little life. Hopefully I can share the story of my childhood with you someday (smiles). This is so that you will have an idea of the fact that I am not who I am because 'I have had it all rosy". I tell people that I am not from a wealthy family (maybe wealth in Christ so yes) but in the real sense of it that is the truth. I have been favoured by God. I have had rough paths, in fact I still and would still have rough paths (this is not a prophesy, it is the truth about life) but God is too faithful to leave me 'hanging' in the air and He is also too faithful to leave you.
I am just a young girl whom God has helped and I have made a decision that regardless of what I go through, nothing will steal my joy. I have been through some tough things that people expect will weigh me down, I do not blame them for this because as humans we have times when we break down and also I am very emotional so it is just expected that I will break down at some things. But guess what? In these different circumstances, God has given me reasons to smile and rejoice and He has given me the strength that can come from no one but Him. Situations will occur, circumstances that you never saw coming will emerge but they are not to weaken you but to make you stronger
Are you weighed down about something? Are you getting worried that things are not going the way you want them to go? Are you dissastisfied with some situations and citcumstances? Yes, these things would happen but you need not be weighed down. There is definitely a God in Heaven who sees everything that you go through; who hears everything that is being said to you. He will never leave you. It is the nature of man to fail you; disaapoint you; treat you badly but God smiles at all of these because He has something better and greater for you.
There is a scripture I love so much - For I know that ALL things (note not SOME things) work together for my good because I love God and I have been called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28
You think you can go through life on your own? That is impossible. Let God guide and lead you and let Him be your strength. Trust Him and Him alone; do not be discouraged; do not be downcast; do not be weighed down cos God's got your back.
So why don't you brace up, look that problem in the face and say "enough is enough! I cannot let you steal my joy". Make a decision to be joyful regardless of whatever comes your way.
Have a blessed day.