Wednesday, 27 September 2017


Some people look at me and say "You are such a blessed child" and some others say "You are too full of life and joy, you must have had it all rosy for you". While these different statements are true, I laugh really hard at the last part. Had it all rosy? No way!!! I wish this was true but fortunately, it is not. I say 'fortunately' because although sometimes I wish somethings were better, I have no regrets being born the way I was born and having to grow up the way I did.

I tell people that the only explanation for who I am today, is God. The only reason I do not look like what I have been through is God. This is not a joke, God is the only reason that I am what I am. I am young but God has shown Himself so strong even in my little life. Hopefully I can share the story of my childhood with you someday (smiles). This is so that you will have an idea of the fact that I am not who I am because 'I have had it all rosy". I tell people that I am not from a wealthy family (maybe wealth in Christ so yes) but in the real sense of it that is the truth. I have been favoured by God.  I have had rough paths, in fact I still and would still have rough paths (this is not a prophesy, it is the truth about life) but God is too faithful to leave me 'hanging' in the air and He is also too faithful to leave you.

I am just a young girl whom God has helped and I have made a decision that regardless of what I go through, nothing will steal my joy. I have been through some tough things that people expect will weigh me down, I do not blame them for this because as humans we have times when we break down and also I am very emotional so it is just expected that I will break down at some things. But guess what? In these different circumstances, God has given me reasons to smile and rejoice and He has given me the strength that can come from no one but Him. Situations will occur, circumstances that you never saw coming will emerge but they are not to weaken you but to make you stronger

Are you weighed down about something? Are you getting worried that things are not going the way you want them to go? Are you dissastisfied with some situations and citcumstances? Yes, these things would happen but you need not be weighed down. There is definitely a God in Heaven who sees everything that you go through; who hears everything that is being said to you. He will never leave you. It is the nature of man to fail you; disaapoint you; treat you badly but God smiles at all of these because He has something better and greater for you.

There is a scripture I love so much - For I know that ALL things (note not SOME things) work together for my good because I love God and I have been called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

You think you can go through life on your own? That is impossible. Let God guide and lead you and let Him be your strength. Trust Him and Him alone; do not be discouraged; do not be downcast; do not be weighed down cos God's got your back. 

So why don't you brace up, look that problem in the face and say "enough is enough! I cannot let you steal my joy". Make a decision to be joyful regardless of whatever comes your way.

Have a blessed day. 


Monday, 25 September 2017

Marriage is Sweet when You're with the Right Person

I had the opportunity of speaking with a close friend (my sister from day one) who got married about a year ago. I love marriage and relationship talks (Obviously, that’s why I write about them) so I was eager to know about how her marriage had been in the past one year.

Just a little story about this beautiful couple:

A beautiful lady (just take a look at the picture) was noticed by a guy during her first year at University – Lagos State University (LASU). The guy who really wanted to be a friend with this beautiful lady but did not know how to go about it, thought of the best possible way and came up with an idea. He decided to ask  her for past questions – hmm are you learning guys? (lol, it might not work for you that way o so please be wise). According to her “I really liked his charisma but I did not show it. I later discovered that he liked me and was just using Past Question as cover-up”. They became friends and remained friends for a year plus and became fond of each other. One thing led to another and she says “we started courting thereafter". They both knew where they were going and what they wanted and so they worked hard at it and with the help of God, they were able to scale through.

Fast forward to last year

I got a call from my sister (we grew up together) asking if I was going to be around in September. “What could be happening?” I thought. “Yes, I will be around” I responded. “Okay, I want you to be part of my bridal train” she said to me. “Whao, yes that’s perfectly fine” I replied. I was not shocked but I was extremely excited about this wedding. They had been in that relationship for over seven years and now they were finally getting married – isn’t God too good? Yes he is! The thought of God’s faithfulness in their lives made me more excited.

Back to the discussion we had – I really wanted to know what married life had been for her for the past one year and how she was (if she was) enjoying it. She was willing to give the gist and so I immediately moved myself close to her. Remember I said I like relationship and marriage gist (smiles). By the way, they got married (traditionally) on my birthday - 30th of September and Church wedding was on the 1st of October. You see why I said she is “an almost one year old wife”.

“I wasn’t really ready to get married at the time I did. I wanted to enjoy myself and just be me but I am so glad that I made that choice of marriage. Marriage is sweet!!!” she said with so much joy. The question in my heart was “what could make this marriage so sweet?” The gist was becoming more interesting and so I quickly moved closer to her, I just wanted to enjoy the story (don’t blame me for that). “Marriage is sweet when you are married to the right person” she continued. “Every day, I look forward to going home to be with my husband because we always have stories and gist about how the day went and what went on at work.” By the way, they are both medical doctors (just thought I leak that little secret).

As if the wonderful remarks she had given was not enough, she went on to say “My husband is actually my best friend, he is the first person I talk to and the first person I want to talk to whenever I am happy or sad”. This seemed really interesting to me because I have looked forward to such good testimonies about marriage but not really found such in a while. Yes, you might be wondering “but they have just spent one year together!” It might just be a year, but it is a great testimony and I will tell you why. Some people have broken their marriages within the first 3 months of their marriage and some others have expressed that “marriage is not what they thought it to be” speaking in negative terms and so one year with a great testimony is a lot for me.

My dear sister had some more to say and I was more than willing to get it all from her, not just for myself but for you as well. So stay close, do not go anywhere because we shall continue this discussion next week. 
Thank you so much for stopping by. God bless you and have a great week.


Tuesday, 19 September 2017


Many of us have fears and we do not know how to overcome such fears. I have come to realise that you overcome your fear by actually fighting against what you are scared of. The question then is - How do you fight? In my own opinion, you fight your fears by confronting them. The first step is to agree that you have fears; recognise the fears and then fight them. It is important to note that whatever you are afraid of is not and will never be greater than you. People have gone through the same thing before and if they overcame their fears, you can surely overcome yours. This therefore means that you can overcome your fears because you are bigger than it. I will share an experience with you, it might be  funny but it has taught me a lot.

Her Beauty drives me crazy

Click here:

I had phobia for or let me say I was afraid of making a particular kind of food. I do not exactly love to cook but I do it when and if I have to. By the way, if you come to my house, I would not starve you (trust me!). Anyway back to the story - I learnt how to make this particular type of food about 7 years ago but since then I have found every possible means to run away from it. Why was I running away? I did not believe in the fact that I could make it and I did not want anyone to make jest of me whenever I made it. Although there was a time in which I lived alone and there was practically no one to laugh at me if it went wrong, I was still afraid to take this step. Whenever it was time to make this food or anything related to it, I stylishly ran away. To cut the long story short, I recently had to tell myself that running away from this, makes no sense. I therefore decided that I was going to make the food whenever the opportunity came. I pray before I cook, many times but this time I prayed hard because I was not just making the food for myself but for the whole house. I made it and everyone liked it! I was quite happy but I knew that there was still some more work to be done. I would have to continuously do this whether it turns out good or bad to finally be the best at it and overcome my fears.

The above 'personal' story of mine was shared just to encourage you. We all have one or two things that we are really afraid of doing. Either because you have shared it with some people and they have shown some sign of disbelieve in you or you are the problem (like me) because you do not believe in yourself. Your fear maybe driving. Please do not laugh at this because quite a number of people are scared of driving (especially in Lagos, Nigeria). While some of the people who are afraid have driven before and have had bad experiences, others have never driven but they are just too afraid to begin. There is no point running away from your fears because you will definitely have to face it someday. So why don't you fight it now that you are aware of it. People may laugh at you or make jest of you, but it really does not matter. You know where you are going and what you want to achieve and so the sooner you started fighting this fear, the better for you. Take that bold step now and let go of your fears!

