Tuesday, 10 August 2021


We live in a world where it has suddenly become okay not to be committed in a relationship or marriage especially the latter. A lot of people have normalised non-commitment and this should not be the case. 

Commitment to a relationship or marriage is very key even though the message out there says otherwise. It is very possible to stay committed to that man/woman regardless of the ups and downs that you will encounter. Ups and downs are normal in every relationship or marriage, it just depends on your ability to manage it. 

Commitment according to the Cambridge Dictionary is the "willingness to give your time or energy to an activity, job...". I like this definition because it talks about 'willingness'. It is a sacrifice that we all have to make because situations will arise that will make us tempted to do otherwise. At all times, we must hold on to and stay committed to our spouses especially in our marriages.

I hope you enjoy this short poem on commitment:

Take my hands as I take yours

On our knees, we forge this union

Before the Father of Light

Together, We will withstand storms

Life throws at us

We will conquer territories

With our Faith in Him

We will chase out darkness

In the heart of men 

With our mouth

We will speak forth light

Our home will be a safe Haven

For men destitute of God

Our model is Christ:

In Love and Forgiveness

In Conduct and Words

In Faith and Hope

In Life and Death.

Till we see the Father,

In Life or Death.

Dolapo Oyesiji 

Thank you so much for stopping by. God bless you and see you next week by God's grace.




  1. Thank you, even when you don't feel like it, that you are committed keeps you there.

    1. True that because many times you might not feel like it
