Tuesday 22 January 2019


When we talk about unhealthy relationships, we are not referring to boyfriends and girlfriends only but to the friends that we keep, the work colleagues we have conversations with, whether very close or not so close. The truth is that many of us some times get carried away by the things happening around us that we gradually begin to lose our morals and standards. More often than not, this happens because of the kind of people we mingle with and the kind of people we keep as friends. 

Everyone has a tendency to fall or make a mistake but who we are surrounded by really matters when such happens. For example, if you make a terrible mistake (try to paint a scenario in your head), do you have people around you that can tell you that what you did was wrong or people that can help bring you out of that mess or mistake? When you need to make a decision, who do you run to? Also, when you achieve something great, are you surrounded by people that would automatically become jealous or people that will encourage you to achieve greater things?

Think about this! It is not abnormal that when something happens to us, we want to talk to people around us. However, if we are not surrounded by people who can advice us truthfully but in love, we may get the advice that would either make us feel good about the wrong we did or feel bad about the good we did. This is the reason we need to surround ourselves with people that will make us better.

There are some relationships that instead of helping us fulfill God's purpose and will for our lives, draw us away from it. They are not healthy for us. There are certain assignments and responsibilities that God has given each and everyone of us. We cannot afford to fail God in this regard because of the satisfaction that we seem to get from these unhealthy relationships. We should not be careless with our hearts and with our lives. 

Let me share 2 short stories: 

A man got tempted to cheat on his wife with his work colleague. He had been contemplating doing this for a while because he all of a sudden did not find his wife attractive or good for him anymore. He decided to talk to a close friend about it just to get the affirmation that he needed to take that step. His friend adviced him not to try it and adviced him on what to do to get such thoughts out of his mind. Imagine if his friend was one who did not find anything wrong with cheating on his wife? The advice would surely have been different and it would have ruined his marriage at the end of the day. 

A lady who believed in 'no sex before marriage' got into a relationship with someone who did not find such act a big deal. Every time this discussion came up, it led to a deep argument that she could not win. Apart from the arguments, she would get beaten up by the guy and he would forcefully have sex with her. 

The above are examples of healthy and unhealthy relationships. This year, we all need to be extremely careful about the people that we are friends with and the people that we keep close to us. This singular act can make or destroy our lives. We need to have healthy relationships in every area of our lives. In pursuing our careers, we need to be surrounded by people that will make us better and not people that would encourage us to cheat. Relationship wise, we should be with someone that has the same moral standards  as we do (there will be less arguments). Spiritually, let us be with people that will encourage us to please God and walk in His ways and not to continue in sin. Let us be friends with people that will help our growth in every way and not people that will pull us down. God bless us and may He help us make the right choices, keep the right friends and have healthy relationships.

Thank you so much for stopping by, we hope to see you soon.



  1. You're right dear. Some people have risen to higher grounds in life by good relationships and others have fallen from the top to nothing by the same relationship. We just have to be careful with the kind of friends we keep by being spiritually sensitive to discern good and evil. May God help us all.
    God bless you Ife, keep being a light to your world.

    1. Very true. We cannot be too careful. It is better to safeguard your life than to be filled with regrets because of the wrong friends or relationships. God will help us
      Thank you so much for stopping by and dropping this comment. I really appreciate you
